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Update data in Modal

This page shows how to update data within a Modal using the Form widget.


Table widget connected to a query that holds the data you want to edit and update.

Configure form

Follow these steps to set up a Form widget:

  1. Drag a Modal widget and place a Form widget inside it.

Modal widget remains hidden on the canvas and becomes visible only when an event is triggered. You can access and edit the Modal widget from the entity explorer.

  1. To allow users to submit their information, drag the relevant widgets into the Form widget (example: Text, Inputs, Select) and configure their properties.
  1. To display data from the selected row in the table, bind the widget using mustache syntax {{}}:

For example, if you receive a date in the DD/MM/YY format from the database and want to display it in a different format using the Datepicker, you can achieve this by binding the Table data to the Default date and adjusting the display format through the Date format property.

Update Form

Follow these steps to configure the query and update the data:

  1. Create a query to update data using the reference properties of the Form widget.

Example: if you have fields in a form widget and need to retrieve the ID from the selected row in a table, you can do so using the following query:

UPDATE public.users
phone = {{}},
email = {{}}
WHERE id = {{}};

The above query updates the phone and email fields in the users table using the form data. It targets the user record with the provided ID.


For more detailed information on updating data in SQL, please refer to Insert and Update data in SQL.


Check these guides to learn more about updating data in various datasources.

  1. Set the Submit Button's onClick event to execute the update query, and the onSuccess callback to close the Modal and trigger the fetch query that refreshes the data with the updated information.

You can enable JS for the onClick event and execute multiple functions as shown below:

.then(() =>
.then(() => {
showAlert('User Updated');
.catch(() => showAlert("Fetch Users Failed"))
).catch(() => showAlert("Update User Failed", "error"))
  1. Enable the Reset form on success to clear form inputs after submission.